Quality Centre Limited

Julius Njatha Muraguri
Julius Njatha Muraguri
Managing Partner
Julius is a passionate Management Systems (MS) Lead Auditor, Implementation Specialist, and Document Automation Architect, with a passion for making business thrive. He has implemented numerous MS and performed hundreds of ISO management system audits in top-global brands in several countries in Africa, both in public and in private sectors. He has authored ISO 9000 Secret: Unlocking World Markets, and Documenting ISO 9000 Quality Systems: Best Practice. Julius received a BSc from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture of Technology. He is a member of World Council for Quality (WCFQ)
Eng. Gideon Gathagu Gatimi
Eng. Gideon Gathagu Gatimi
Lead Consultant
Eng. Gideon Gatimi is an accomplished professional with a diverse educational background and extensive experience in engineering and management. His qualifications and expertise include: Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) MBA in Entrepreneurship, Registered Consulting Engineer (EBK), Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK), Lead Environmental Audit Expert at the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), and Lead Auditor for Quality and Environmental Management Systems certified by the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA)